MTI 542 – 21st Century Digital Fluencies for Literacy
Crocket, Lee. Jukes, Ian. Churches, Andrew. Literacy is NOT Enough: 21st Century Fluencies for the Digital Age. 21st Century Project Inc. ISBN 978-1-4129-8780-6.
Course Description:
The 21st Century Digital Fluencies for Literacy will provide teachers and administrators the strategies, knowledge and skills that students must master to succeed in a culture of technology-driven automation, abundance, and access to global labor markets. To achieve this, the course and content will draw upon the course textbook, “Literacy is NOT Enough: 21st Century Fluencies for the Digital Age,” by Lee Crockett, Ian Jukes, and Andrew Churches. If students are to thrive in their academic and 21st century careers, then independent and creative thinking hold the highest currency. The authors explain in detail how to add these new components of literacy:
- Solution Fluency
- Information Fluency
- Media Fluency
- Creativity Fluency
- Collaboration Fluency
The authors present an effective framework for upgrading literacy instruction for digital learners by integrating comprehensive literacy or fluency into the traditional curriculum.
Learning Outcomes/Competencies:
At the completion of this course, the learner will be able to:
- Articulate the effect of technological changes on the minds of our students (physically and chemically); thus, altering their learning styles and preferences. InTASC 1,2,3,5,6
- Develop a framework for integrating digital fluencies into traditional curriculum. InTASC 4,5,6,7,8
- Analyze pedagogical approaches for teaching students in the 21st century, when technological development is putting pressure on our paradigm for teaching and learning. InTASC 1,3,5
- Identify the 21st century learning environment and detail the process for developing unit plans that address the traditional curriculum while cultivating these five essential fluencies: Solution Fluency, Information Fluency, Creativity Fluency, and Global Digital Fluency . InTASC 1,3,9,10
Universities, Course Formats & Pricing

Distance Correspondence
Available Anytime
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- 10 text questions
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
- 10 journal entries
View Online Course Dates
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- discussion
- 10 discussion responses
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
- 10 journal entries

Distance Correspondence
Available Anytime
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- 10 text questions
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
- 10 journal entries
View Online Course Dates
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- 5 discussions
- 10 discussion responses
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
- 10 journal entries

Distance Correspondence
Available Anytime
Available within 4 weeks of receiving your grade.
- 10 text questions
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
View Online Course Dates
Available within 4 week of receiving your grade.
- 5 discussions
- 10 discussion responses
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay