MTI 537 – Powerful Teacher Language
Denton, Paula (2015). The power of our words: Teacher language that helps children learn (2nd ed.). Turners Falls, MA: Center for Responsive Schools, Inc.
Course Description:
Powerful Teacher Language: Using Words to Help Children Succeed is designed to assist teachers with developing simple changes in their language to promote profound changes in student behavior and academic, social, and emotional success. The goal is for teachers to increase student engagement with academics, build a positive community, and effectively manage a classroom.
Learning Outcomes/Competencies:
At the completion of this course, the learner will be able to:
- Use language to generate a vision for students that encourages them to do their best work and be their best selves. INTASC 2, 3, 4, 10
- Use words to help students identify and build upon their strengths. INTASC 1, 3, 5, 10
- Listen to students in order to help them be reflective, optimistic, and thoughtful learners. INTASC 3, 4, 5, 10
- Use appropriate teacher language strategies to problem-solve for and with students. INTASC 3, 10
- Use teacher language to empower students in the classroom and in life. INTASC 3, 5
- Identify teacher language strategies that can be troublesome and use positive strategies instead. INTASC 1, 8
- Apply teacher language strategies for students in different subgroups (ELL/ESL, special education, gifted, general classroom, etc.) INTASC 2, 8
Universities, Course Formats & Pricing

Distance Correspondence
Available Anytime
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- 10 text questions
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
- 10 journal entries
View Online Course Dates
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- 5 discussions
- 10 discussion responses
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
- 10 journal entries

Distance Correspondence
Available Anytime
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- 10 text questions
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
- 10 journal entries
Online Self-Paced:
Available Anytime
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- 5 discussions
- 10 discussion responses
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
- 10 journal entries
View Online Course Dates
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- 5 discussions
- 10 discussion responses
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
- 10 journal entries

Distance Correspondence
Available Anytime
Available within 4 weeks of receiving your grade.
- 10 text questions
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
View Online Course Dates
Available within 4 week of receiving your grade.
- 5 discussions
- 10 discussion responses
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay