MTI 536 – The Power of Formative Assessment
Embedded formative assessment, Wiliam, SOLUTION TREE PRESS, Bloomington, Indiana, 2011. ISBN# 978-1-934009-30-7
Course Description:
This course will provide practical ideas about changes that every teacher can make in the classroom to develop their own practice of teaching, including evidence that these changes will result in improved outcomes for learners. Research evidence will show that these practical strategies in the process of formative assessment, will increase student engagement and help teachers make their teaching more responsive to students’ needs. Teachers will explore the use of classroom questioning, feedback, and collaborative and cooperative learning to engineer effective learning environments for students.
Learning Outcomes/Competencies:
At the completion of this course, the learner will be able to:
- Implement ideas about changes that can be made in their classroom to develop their practice of teaching. InTASC 7, 8
- Facilitate effective classroom discussions, activities, and learning tasks that extract evidence of learning. InTASC 4, 5, 6
- Motivate learners as instructional resources for one another. InTASC 9, 10
- Provide feedback that advances learning. InTASC 2, 3
- Inspire learners to be owners of their personal learning. InTASC 3, 9, 10
Universities, Course Formats & Pricing

Distance Correspondence
Available Anytime
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- 10 text questions
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
- 10 journal entries
Online Self-Paced:
Available Anytime
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- 5 discussions
- 10 discussion responses
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
- 10 journal entries

Distance Correspondence
Available Anytime
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- 10 text questions
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
- 10 journal entries
Online Self-Paced:
Available Anytime
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- 5 discussions
- 10 discussion responses
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
- 10 journal entries

Distance Correspondence
Available Anytime
Available within 4 weeks of receiving your grade.
- 10 text questions
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay