Course Details

MTI 517 SP – Students with ADHD. Teaching with Success and Growth

MTI 517 SP – Students with ADHD. Teaching with Success and Growth

SKU: MTI-517-SP Category:



Iseman, Jaqueline S, Silverman, Stephen M., and Jeweler, Sue. (2010). 101 School Success Tools for Students with ADHD. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press Inc. ISBN# 978-1-59363-403-2


Course Description:

This course will encourage the educator to evaluate the challenges facing students with ADHD in the classroom. The educator will learn several strategies and techniques for teaching students in the areas of attention and planning, time management and organization, homework and study skills, encouraging achievement, behavior management, selecting appropriate interventions, accommodations, and adaptations, and classroom strategies. This text provides several reproducible pages which includes worksheets, forms, checklists, and charts. The educator will also gain an understanding of effective data collection, the IEP process including appropriate accommodations, and creating a Functional Behavior Assessment. Finally, the course will cover effective communication with parents and medical personnel

Learning Outcomes/Competencies:

At the completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

  • Gain an understanding of the challenges students with ADHD face in the classroom, InTASC 1
  • Gather effective strategies for helping students in the area of attention and planning, InTASC 7, 5
  • Use effective strategies for teaching students time management and organization, InTASC 7
  • Support a student with ADHD in effective completion of homework and use of study skills, InTASC 8
  • Encourage achievement in students with ADHD, InTASC 3, 5
  • Implement effective behavior management tools and classroom management strategies, InTASC 3
  • Learn, teach, practice and model strategies that support and empower students with ADHD, InTASC 2, 3, 5
  • Create an environment of mutual respect, acceptance, organization, flexibility, and high expectations, InTASC 3
  • Use strategies to differentiate instruction for students with ADHD, InTASC 8
  • Provide appropriate interventions, adaptations, and accommodations for students with ADHD, InTASC 8
  • Teach students self-advocacy skills, InTASC 3
  • Be able to use several data collection methods, InTASC 7
  • Understand the process of creating a Functional Behavior Assessment, InTASC 7
  • How to prepare for an IEP meeting and Teacher Conferences, InTASC 9
  • Gain effective strategies for communicating with parents and medical professionals, InTASC 9, 10

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Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.


  • 10 text questions
  • 2 applications
  • 1 action research project
  • 1 essay
  • 10 journal entries
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Price: ​$395

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Price: ​$395