MTI 515 TR – Teaching Students Living in Conditions of Poverty
Course Description:
Reaching and Teaching Students in Poverty: Strategies for Erasing the Opportunity Gap will examine strategies, knowledge and skills and assist in developing relevant information that will challenge teachers to deliver quality lessons and positive perceptions to children in poverty. To achieve this, the course and content will draw upon the course textbook, “Reaching and Teaching Students in Poverty” by Paul Gorski. We may discuss how strategies supplement and support learning. However, until we address and understand how poverty can impact learning and academic achievement, education reform will not succeed. The central focus of this course is bringing together the framework for understanding poverty, deconstructing misconceptions and stereotypes about poor families and education. Teachers and administrators will have the skill and knowledge base to effectively challenge the barriers of people in poverty.
Learning Outcomes/Competencies:
Following the completion of this course, the student should be able to:
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View Online Course Dates
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- 10 text questions
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay
- 10 journal entries

Price: $475

View Online Course Dates
Available within 1 week of receiving your grade.
- 5 discussions
- 10 discussion responses
- 2 applications
- 1 action research project
- 1 essay